52-Week Savings Challenge



52 week savings challenge desafio de poupanca 52 semanas
New year, new challenges, and new goals. Start a 52-week savings challenge. Start by depositing:
  • $520 on week 1
  • $510 on week 2
  • $500 on week 3
  • And so on until you deposit ONLY $10 on the last week of the year, week 52!
Apply the initial $520 into a 3-month fixed-deposit in your bank to earn interests. If you can, recharge another $520 every 3-months to your savings and re-apply the total amounts in another 3-month fixed deposit.

Keep doing it until the last week of the year and you can end up with $15,000 or more! Use the money for an investment, vacation, debts or whatever. Nothing comes by coincidence, but everything happens from your actions. So do something!

Click here to Download this spreadsheet FREE and customize it to create your own plan.

New year, new challenges, and new goals. Start a 52-week savings challenge. Start by depositing:
  • R5,200 on week 1
  • R5,100 on week 2
  • R5,000 on week 3
  • And so on until you deposit ONLY R100 on the last week of the year, week 52!
Apply the initial R5,200 into a 3-month fixed-deposit in your bank to earn interests. If you can, recharge another $520 every 3-months to your savings and re-apply the total amounts in another 3-month fixed deposit.

Keep doing it until the last week of the year and you can end up with R187,000 or more! Use the money for an investment, vacation, debts or whatever. Nothing comes by coincidence, but everything happens from your actions. So do something!

Click here to Download this spreadsheet FREE and customize it to create your own plan.

Novo ano, novos desafios e novos objectivos. Faça um desafio de poupança de 52-semanas. Deposite:
  • 52.000kz na semana 1
  • 51.000kz na semana 2
  • 50.000kz na semana 3
  • E assim sucessivamente até depositar 1,000kz na última semana do ano, a semana 52!
Coloque o valor inicial de 52,000kz no deposito a prazo de 3 meses no seu banco para ganhar juros. Se puder, reforça 52,000kz 3 em 3 meses e reinveste o valor total da poupança por mais 3 meses.

Continue a fazer isto até a última semana do ano no sentido de acumular mais do que AKZ 1.600.000! Invista os valores, vá de ferias, pague dívidas ou faça o que quiser. Nada acontece por acaso, mas tudo acontece a partir das suas ações. Então, faça alguma coisa!

Clique aqui para baixar esta planilha de GRAÇA e altere para criar o seu plano pessoal.