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Ladilsa Hot Club (Commission out of $177.27/One-Time Payment) - Unlimited Access To All
Ladilsa Hot Club (Commission out of $6.70/Month) - Unlimited Access To All
Ladilsa Hot Club (Commission out of $31.93/Year) - Unlimited Access To All
SEO Taboo (Non-Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $32.84)
SEO Taboo (Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $27.43)
Content Taboo (Non-Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $32.84)
Content Taboo (Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $27.43)
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Facebook Groups Taboo (Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $27.43)
Facebook Ads Taboo (Non-Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $32.84)
Facebook Ads Taboo (Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $27.43)
Affiliate Program Taboo (Non-Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $32.84)
Affiliate Program Taboo (Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $27.43)
Taboo E-Book Series (3-Pack Bundle Vol1) - Non-Ladilsa Hot Club Members (Commission out of $72.48)
Taboo E-Book Series (3-Pack Bundle Vol1) - Ladilsa Hot Club Members (Commission out of $50.86)
Taboo E-Book Series (3-Pack Bundle Vol2) - Non-Ladilsa Hot Club Members (Commission out of $72.48)
Taboo E-Book Series (3-Pack Bundle Vol2) - Ladilsa Hot Club Members (Commission out of $50.86)
Taboo E-Book Series (5-Pack Bundle) - Non-Ladilsa Hot Club Members (Commission out of $94.10)
Taboo E-Book Series (5-Pack Bundle) - Ladilsa Hot Club Members (Commission out of $67.07)
Video Taboo Effects (Non-Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $32.84)
Video Taboo Effects (Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $23.83)
Profile Your Most Profitable Customer Spreadsheet (Non-Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $32.84)
Profile Your Most Profitable Customer Spreadsheet (Ladilsa Hot Club Members) (Commission out of $23.83)
Promotional Videos
Have you ever heard people telling you that by simply reposting other people's videos in your social media accounts can also get you a lot of exposure and can actually make one of those videos that is not even yours become viral? Well, if you don't have time to make videos, or if you don't even know how to make or edit videos, just....
Those are obviously the very basic steps to get started. Get inside the members area of our Ladilsa Hot Club and access the full-blown Ladilsa Affiliate Program Training Module as it contains a lot more details on how to become successful in setting this affiliate business in order to get some real big commissions.
Promotional Email Swipes
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(Replace XXX" with your HOTMART Affiliate Code In Any Link or Image In The Email) ![]() Hi [NAME], Click here if you prefer the video version of this content. Otherwise, keep on reading... Here are some questions you need to ask and validate to yourself before starting any business in today's age....
Regards, [YOUR NAME HERE]. |
Step 2: Go to the Affiliate Market Step 3: Search for our Product called "Ladilsa Hot Club" with ID 2412088 Step 4: Sign Up to be affiliated to our product (if not already done so) Step 5: Go to "See promotional links" Step 6: Go to "Links for affiliates" Step 7: Every affiliate link in HOTMART looks something like this: where XXX is your own unique affiliate number. Step 8: For your particular case and depending on what particular web page you want to send your visitors, your specific link is exactly what we have placed on this webpage above. Just replace XXX" with your unique affiliate number with the links that we have already placed for you on this web page. Do not get confused with all of the links that you will see inside the HOTMART platform. The links we indicate in the email above is where you'll want your visitors to go to so that you can get credit and comissions. Follow every step accordingly to avoid losing comissions in the event that someone buys any of our products. |
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(Replace XXX" with your HOTMART Affiliate Code In Any Link or Image In The Email) ![]() Hi [NAME], Click here if you prefer the video version of this content. Otherwise, keep on reading... By now you probably already know that if you are involved in a business that sells physical products, you have got to find a way to make that business visible in the digital space. If you are however running a 100% digital business such as selling e-books, PDF manuals, software products etc, then half of your work is already done or should be easier in today's world. That is why I am such a fan of selling electronic products, where once someone buys, I can instantly deliver what they have ordered via email in seconds. It really is not that difficult. All it takes is some dedication, effort and time from yourself to consistently produce content that grabs attention and builds trust among the audience that consumes your content. The more trustworthy content you produce in your online resources such as your own website and social media channels, the more traffic you will get to that content, and that in itself will start adding some transaction into your bottom line by way of selling what you are offering in the content that you produce. Well, all of these I just mentioned above is an entire framework called CATTT (Content, Attention, Trust, Traffic, Transaction) that I put together in this e-book called The Last Taboo - The Last Man Standing Will Work & Profit on The Internet From Home.. The e-book is FREE for anyone that chooses to become part of our Ladilsa Hot Club.. It is also FREE to join the club. So please take a advantage of it and get yourself the entire framework discussed in the ebook so you can copy it for yourself in starting and running your own business today. Regards, [YOUR NAME HERE]. |
Step 2: Go to the Affiliate Market Step 3: Search for our Product called "Ladilsa Hot Club" with ID 2412088 Step 4: Sign Up to be affiliated to our product (if not already done so) Step 5: Go to "See promotional links" Step 6: Go to "Links for affiliates" Step 7: Every affiliate link in HOTMART looks something like this: where XXX is your own unique affiliate number. Step 8: For your particular case and depending on what particular web page you want to send your visitors, your specific link is exactly what we have placed on this webpage above. Just replace XXX" with your unique affiliate number with the links that we have already placed for you on this web page. Do not get confused with all of the links that you will see inside the HOTMART platform. The links we indicate in the email above is where you'll want your visitors to go to so that you can get credit and comissions. Follow every step accordingly to avoid losing comissions in the event that someone buys any of our products. |
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(Replace XXX" with your HOTMART Affiliate Code In Any Link or Image In The Email) ![]() Hi [NAME], Click here if you prefer the video version of this content. Otherwise, keep on reading... It doesn't matter what anyone says, you need to have your very own House on the Internet. I quite often refer my website to be my house on the internet. It is not Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok or any other platform. These websites have designated owners, and those are THEIR Houses on the internet. Likewise, and as any good business owner should do, you ought to get yourself your house on the internet - YOUR OWN WEBSITE. Learn more about it here or risk going down the drain with those who are distracted. Regards, [YOUR NAME HERE]. |
Step 2: Go to the Affiliate Market Step 3: Search for our Product called "Ladilsa Hot Club" with ID 2412088 Step 4: Sign Up to be affiliated to our product (if not already done so) Step 5: Go to "See promotional links" Step 6: Go to "Links for affiliates" Step 7: Every affiliate link in HOTMART looks something like this: where XXX is your own unique affiliate number. Step 8: For your particular case and depending on what particular web page you want to send your visitors, your specific link is exactly what we have placed on this webpage above. Just replace XXX" with your unique affiliate number with the links that we have already placed for you on this web page. Do not get confused with all of the links that you will see inside the HOTMART platform. The links we indicate in the email above is where you'll want your visitors to go to so that you can get credit and comissions. Follow every step accordingly to avoid losing comissions in the event that someone buys any of our products. |
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(Replace XXX" with your HOTMART Affiliate Code In Any Link or Image In The Email) ![]() Hi [NAME], Click here if you prefer the video version of this content. Otherwise, keep on reading... I hope you are starting to get the picture on my concepts on starting and running a successful business in today's age. If you are with me then you do understand the importance of having your own House or Website on the internet for where this is where you will be sending all of your traffic to in order to establish a relationship with your visitors with an aim to perform a monetary transaction with them. Further down the eBook called The Last Taboo (if you already started reading it), you will see that having a website is not enough. It is also how well you organize and plan your website. Many people often talk about having a special website called a funnel. With all honesty a funnel is NOTHING other than just a simple webpage in a website that aims to do one specific thing. There are way too many website software products with steep prices trying to get you to buy their system because it will be the best one for you in order to make sales online. Please do not fall for this trap. A funnel is just a webpage in a website designed to make the visitor do what you want them to do most. In other words, what is your "most wanted response" from a particular page? That's it! That's all you have to answer and everything you need to do on a specific webpage in order to get people to do what you want them to do mostly on that page. Is it for the visitor to click on a button to subscribe to your newsletter? Is it for the visitor to click and buy something? What is it? What is your most wanted response? Whatever you do, as you design and write a particular webpage in your website, have that in mind and focus on it. You do not need an special software product other than a good website registrar and webhost to do this. I've been using SBI's Registrar & Webhost for the past 10 years and you can build a funnel n a webpage of the same website and do everything that many of this outrageous web funnel builders are doing for twice or sometimes even quadruple the price of SBI. Don't go for any of these FREE website builders either because at the end of the day, in order to make some serious business online, you will still have to setup autoresponders, run a newsletters, and build web forms for your webpages among many other things such as ensuring that your website is visible on search engines such as Google and Yahoo. SBI enables you to run all of these tools from within with very little operating costs for your business, and you can choose to pay monthly or annually. That's where and how I have been running my website since 2012. Regards, [YOUR NAME HERE]. |
Step 2: Go to the Affiliate Market Step 3: Search for our Product called "Ladilsa Hot Club" with ID 2412088 Step 4: Sign Up to be affiliated to our product (if not already done so) Step 5: Go to "See promotional links" Step 6: Go to "Links for affiliates" Step 7: Every affiliate link in HOTMART looks something like this: where XXX is your own unique affiliate number. Step 8: For your particular case and depending on what particular web page you want to send your visitors, your specific link is exactly what we have placed on this webpage above. Just replace XXX" with your unique affiliate number with the links that we have already placed for you on this web page. Do not get confused with all of the links that you will see inside the HOTMART platform. The links we indicate in the email above is where you'll want your visitors to go to so that you can get credit and comissions. Follow every step accordingly to avoid losing comissions in the event that someone buys any of our products. |
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(Replace XXX" with your HOTMART Affiliate Code In Any Link or Image In The Email) ![]() Hi [NAME], Click here if you prefer the video version of this content. Otherwise, keep on reading... How much does it really cost to run your business in the digital space in today's age? Please do the math. In part 4 of this email series, we helped you define what is your "most wanted response" you want to get from a designated webpage. Ok say, you are selling an e-book that costs $29.99 on a webpage and your most wanted response on that webpage is to get people to click on the "order" button to buy. Once you have a webpage setup to sell something - remember this is now your store on the internet. That is your business! So you should start getting very deep into answering questions such as:
If you do not want to stay behind in the hurdle, get up to speed inside the Ladilsa Hot Club and start reading the e-book. Apply all of it strategies to your real-life business. Regards, [YOUR NAME HERE]. |
Step 2: Go to the Affiliate Market Step 3: Search for our Product called "Ladilsa Hot Club" with ID 2412088 Step 4: Sign Up to be affiliated to our product (if not already done so) Step 5: Go to "See promotional links" Step 6: Go to "Links for affiliates" Step 7: Every affiliate link in HOTMART looks something like this: where XXX is your own unique affiliate number. Step 8: For your particular case and depending on what particular web page you want to send your visitors, your specific link is exactly what we have placed on this webpage above. Just replace XXX" with your unique affiliate number with the links that we have already placed for you on this web page. Do not get confused with all of the links that you will see inside the HOTMART platform. The links we indicate in the email above is where you'll want your visitors to go to so that you can get credit and comissions. Follow every step accordingly to avoid losing comissions in the event that someone buys any of our products. |
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(Replace XXX" with your HOTMART Affiliate Code In Any Link or Image In The Email) ![]() Hi [NAME], Click here if you prefer the video version of this content. Otherwise, keep on reading... You may or not be in the hamburger or food business but learn from the concepts of what big franchises such as McDonald's have applied in their businesses to make them a household name around the around. Take a look at what Macdonald's does every day to presell their customers here: No matter your business, you can always see ways, in how to apply branding, preselling, upselling and backend selling just as they do to their customers into your VERY OWN business. This concept becomes way easier if you are a business that sells electronic materials because all of a sudden you don't even need to worry about buying or renting property to start a business. You don't have to worry about capital for construction. If you are promoting or selling digital products 100% online as we teach inside our Ladilsa Hot Club... ...Your start-up capital to conduct business is little to none, and since it is all digital you can go ahead and sell your products or services to any country you wish in the world without the limitation a geographic location. So think about it very hard and join the bandwagon of the digital space in today's age. Regards, [YOUR NAME HERE]. |
Step 2: Go to the Affiliate Market Step 3: Search for our Product called "Ladilsa Hot Club" with ID 2412088 Step 4: Sign Up to be affiliated to our product (if not already done so) Step 5: Go to "See promotional links" Step 6: Go to "Links for affiliates" Step 7: Every affiliate link in HOTMART looks something like this: where XXX is your own unique affiliate number. Step 8: For your particular case and depending on what particular web page you want to send your visitors, your specific link is exactly what we have placed on this webpage above. Just replace XXX" with your unique affiliate number with the links that we have already placed for you on this web page. Do not get confused with all of the links that you will see inside the HOTMART platform. The links we indicate in the email above is where you'll want your visitors to go to so that you can get credit and comissions. Follow every step accordingly to avoid losing comissions in the event that someone buys any of our products. |
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(Replace XXX" with your HOTMART Affiliate Code In Any Link or Image In The Email) ![]() Hi [NAME], Click here if you prefer the video version of this content. Otherwise, keep on reading... I am going to close this series of emails with this... So you got everything setup correctly. Your website and social networks are up flooded With daily content that is grabbing people's attention that ends up earning you some respect around your community that now many of them are now trusting the material that you put out. All of this content is funneling a significant amount of traffic of visitors to your website where you are selling something. But right before a transaction is made, there is a million things that could happen in the way such as:
So that customer is long gone. You will lose them for good and will continually become dependant on new sources of traffic coming your way. So in other words, you are spending more time and more money to try acquire new visitors to your website. These things happen unless you have some form of mechanism to STILL go back to those people that got distracted with one of the million things that could happen when they are just about to make a transaction. So what do you do? This is actually one of the things that is heavily discussed in this FREE e-book called The Last Taboo, which is obviously only available for anybody that chooses to become a FREE member of the Ladilsa Hot Club. So don't take this lightly. Get access to the Club and start using all of these techniques to put yourself ahead of the game. Regards, [YOUR NAME HERE]. |
Step 2: Go to the Affiliate Market Step 3: Search for our Product called "Ladilsa Hot Club" with ID 2412088 Step 4: Sign Up to be affiliated to our product (if not already done so) Step 5: Go to "See promotional links" Step 6: Go to "Links for affiliates" Step 7: Every affiliate link in HOTMART looks something like this: where XXX is your own unique affiliate number. Step 8: For your particular case and depending on what particular web page you want to send your visitors, your specific link is exactly what we have placed on this webpage above. Just replace XXX" with your unique affiliate number with the links that we have already placed for you on this web page. Do not get confused with all of the links that you will see inside the HOTMART platform. The links we indicate in the email above is where you'll want your visitors to go to so that you can get credit and comissions. Follow every step accordingly to avoid losing comissions in the event that someone buys any of our products. |