How I Finally Dominated Google - Practically Made Her My B%!+$
(Make Google Beg You For More)

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Here are the key elements that will show you my approach on how I finally dominated Google to achieve high SEO rankings:
  • Facing A Moment of Hard Truth

  • Conceiling My Intentions by Building on The Background

  • An Example Away From The Web Aligns By This Rule

  • Morale of This Story

  • Why this Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy is so Good

Facing A Moment of Hard Truth

So here I am, one who started just as a one-man operation online. So small that I couldn't get Google to pay attention to me. The greatest companies had it best all the time because they were the ones with the big budget and numerous staff that could get double the amount of work done than I could being alone. 

I appeared to be just another website of the zillions in existence online. No sympathy was shown to me by Google. The large corporations kept hiring their way to the bank while my site was defunct. Sure, so I started to scramble all the signals. What did I do? 

Conceiling My Intentions by Building on The Background

I hinted interest in achieving high SEO ranking, but then feigned indifference by slowly building. Fine by me, so I regrouped and turned into my search engine tactics, which I cover more in depth in my eBook the SEO Taboo which is available only for our Ladilsa Hot Club members. 

They didn't see me coming. I conceiled my intentions and kept my action plan to myself.

Rather than fight it, I started to build good and quality content. I threw Google off the scent and approprietely confused those websites ranking higher than me. Day by day I was building content.

Doing it bricky by brick, dollar by dollar and body by body until...

Google started to follow my lead, and practically became my B%!+$.  

It is now as if Google begs me for more and more quality content so that they can pick me out of the rest to put me high at the top of their SEO rankings. This happens because my content is unique and one that one doesn't expect. No one sees me coming! 

An Example Away From The Web...Aligns By This Rule

Steve Harvey's Smooth Girl Pick-Up & Walk-Away Line in College is a classic example of how I made Google my B%!+.

I would shoot an SEO tactic piece of content to the web in a day and then just walk away. The following day, I would do the same, and walk away again. The moves were executed and although it took several months, Google then became curious and started to rank me high. 

Steve did the same. He hit on the girl and walked away several times until one day the girl fell for him. 

Watch Steve's video so you can see what I mean....

Morale of This Story

Sometimes in life you ought to throw people off their scent by supporting a cause you can't live by, saying things and doing things as if you don't care. But deep down in your heart, you really know that I really wanted that high search engine ranking and that Steve really wanted that girl. You fool everyone to believe you want the oppostive and at the end you will get what you want

Why this Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy is so Good

I understand Google is just a software that runs online. It is no human, but real people are behind it. So its reaction towards your attitude is still human. It is still people that program how or what Google should do with your web content regarding its SEO rankings.

Conceil your actions in the beginning, just produce good and quality content and Google will fall under your spell.

She will have no choice but to rank you above the rest because you produce high, classic content that no one has. Google will love you so much, it or her (as I just refered her as a girl), will have no choice but beg you for more and more of that good, and quality content that nobody else produces but you. 

Google needs that in order to stay in business. It is Google's only business to provide good and quality SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) so that the world continues to use her. 

With that said, we will end this chapter for now. Stay alert for more upcoming news. 


Agostinho Neto Joaquim Domingos

  Agostinho Domingos

Founder, CEO, Director

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